The 10th anniversary of the Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration took place on 3rd November 2016. Under the theme “The road to tissue regeneration – Highlights of cooperation” the meeting focused on medical needs and current approaches.
The program gives insight into the broad variety of talks:
Christina Schuh/David Hercher
From cell function all the way to the clinic
Anna Weihs/Christiane Fuchs
Mechanotransduction – the shared path of shockwave treatment and bioreactors
Paul Slezak/Peter Dungel
From local hemostasis to healing: Bringing light into the darkness
Peter Ertl/Günter Lepperdinger
Go with the microflow!

Anja Peterbauer
Reusing medical waste – Fat
Susanne Wolbank
Reusing medical waste – Placenta
Regina Grillari
Reusing medical waste – Urine
Severin Mühleder/Wolfgang Holnthoner
Who does not need vascularisation?
Andreas Spittler
Extracellular vesicles – new blebs on the block

Aleksandr Ovsianikov/Stefan Baudis
Biofabrication – what else?
Sylvia Nürnberger/Christian Albrecht
Cells that keep you moving
Pavol Szomolanyi
From nice pictures to solid data
Andreas Traweger
Tendon and brain – the same?
Johannes Grillari/Ara Hacobian
„Klein aber oho“ – miRNA on the rise
Reinhard Gruber
Not only long bones are interesting
Andreas Teuschl
Bones want to be connected – the Silk Road