Despite notable advancements in developing and translating regenerative therapies for specific uses, there is still a significant lack of progress in creating effective regenerative therapies for tendons. A lack of coordination and scattered research efforts in the tendon field slow down the translation process into the clinics.
The primary goal of the TENET Action is to create the TEndon regeneration NETwork, a high-quality scientific network mainly based in Europe. This network will bring together academics, research labs, clinicians, biotech companies, and regulatory bodies to enhance scientific and industrial capabilities. The aim is to develop, test, and translate advanced regenerative therapies to support tendon tissue regeneration and restore tendon function. Cluster Member Andreas Traweger from Paracelsus Medical University is part of TENET’s Core Group.

To join the network, people are encouraged to apply to their Working Group of interest:
- Cellular and molecular biology of tendon development, disease and regeneration mechanisms
- Mechanosignaling and biophysical characteristics of tendon tissues
- Biomaterials, cells and molecular therapeutics for advanced tendon therapies
- Models of tendon health and disease
- Clinical translation of advanced therapies for tendon diseases
The first meeting is just around the corner! The 1st TENET COST Action General Meeting & Conference will take place March 11-12, 2024 at the Paracelsus Medical University in Salzburg. Program, registration form, abstract submission and more are provided via the event webpage. To stay up to date and connected, follow TENET on LinkedIn and Twitter!